Friday 1 March 2013

Design agencies I'd love to work with!

“Our secret formula. Work hard, play hard; be bold, stay hungry; and always exceed expectation.”

Smack is a very recently established design agency, only set up on 2012. It stands out to me as an agency I would to love to work with as its founders have a fresh, straight-talking approach to design. Considering the fact the agency its self is only one year old, their client list is extremely impressive, including the likes of Aston Martin and Ebay. I also find the founders themselves inspiring as they created the agency from their own living rooms, before quickly expanding and now working with a strong team of 7. 

“The Pixeldot team is formed of great people who know their stuff, not jacks of all trades, but specialists. Individually we’re great, together we’re awesome.”

Pixeldot Creative specialise mainly in branding, an area of graphic design I have a personal interest in, making them an agency I would love to work with. Their work has a very professional and definitive style to it, which is a style which appeals to myself personally. Again, they have a huge list of extremely well known clients and are an extremely successful agency, therefore there would be endless learning opportunites. Not only does the agency and their ethos appeal to me, but their website in general is a huge selling point, with fluid navigation and a stylish layout.

“We’re a collective. We’re about the awesome.”

We Make Awesome immediately stands out as an agency with its eccentric name. What mainly attracted me to this particular agency was their clients. The majority of their work is for music and televison, both particular interests of my own, especially music. Working within an agency which specialised in my particular interests would be a huge learning curve, as well as extremely enjoyable. Not only that, but again, as an angency, they have a positive ethos and their passion is obvious, which is a large selling point to myself as the general atmosphere and mindset of an agency is just as important as the work they produce. 

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