Saturday 9 March 2013

Wear Sunscreen

This was a self initiated project I am currently working on based on the popular 1999 single by Baz Lurhmann, 'Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)'. The song is based on an article written by Mary Schmich and features a range of positive, feel good quotes, which anyone can interpret in their own personal way. I love some of the quotes throughout this song and wanted something to put up on my walls featuring these quotes. Typography is something I don't have a lot of experience with and really wanted to explore further, especially throughout this project. It is noticeable that my typography skills are not excellent but I really enjoyed experimenting with a range of different fonts. I would also like to develop these further and create some of my own hand drawn type, which will be a lot trickier but a skill I would really like to develop. 
This is still working progress and I would like to take all of these designs further but so far I am happy with the outcomes. 

I wanted to keep my designs fairly simple, with all of the attention on the quote itself. I did this by using bold, flat colours, with a slight radial gradient to draw the attention inwards. I added some paper textures as this is a technique I personally love using as it always adds that little more to the final design and makes it less boring and flat. I tried to be very selective with my font choices in order to almost reflect the word with the chosen fonts, whilst also making them flow well together. The off-white/beige colour used in the border and fonts again just blend with the central colours better than a plain bold white would and works quite effectively. The more pastel colours give a softer feel and seem to work well together as a poster series. 

In order to take this project further I plan on designing some hand rendered type and digitalising it to make it look a lot more interesting and professional. I have recently become really interested in hand rendered typography and am keen to create my own designs. I think this style would really improve these current designs. 

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