Friday 22 March 2013

Portfolio Production

I am now onto my last module for the year which is all about creating the best portfolio I can and preparing for my final show.
I plan on tweaking some of my older designs which are currently in my portfolio so I am completely happy them, then adding whatever is missing.
After looking through my portfolio with my tutors I decided I wanted to do more work on editorial, in particular, magazine spreads. I was given a brief which was to design 2, double page spreads for a magazine of my choice, in which I chose a music magazine.
Alongside this brief I am also keeping my blog up to date and will be taking part in a two-week work placement which will go towards my work based learning module.
As well as my magazine spreads I also want to try and complete another live brief. The current two briefs I am looking into are:

Maha's Classics by Saira
-An independent fashion brand that fuses Pakistan dress, luxurious fabrics and detailed hand embellishments with contempary Western styling.
-Complete branding solution required for business cards, letterheads, websites and brochures.
-2x logo submissions
- Business Cards
- Letterheads
- Generic flyer

Durham Fashion Week
- 1 week event in October with 18-50 y/o target audience. Range of events throughout the week.
- Design a slick/stylish logo, not too feminine and no pink. Shouldn't look out of place in 'Tatler Fashion Magazine'.
- 2x Durham Fashion Week logo routes
- 1 Web page front design
- 1 A2 promotional poster

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