Friday 22 March 2013

Work Based Learning - Magazine Spreads

This was a very open brief. I was asked to design two; double page spreads for a magazine of my choice. I chose to design for a music magazine due to my personal interests; throughout this brief I wanted to really improve my editorial skills within magazine layout design, as this was an aspect of design I am yet to explore. 

I considerably improved my skills within Adobe InDesign, and working with grids and general layout design, which proved very interesting. Both designs have a very abstract and geometric theme and work well with the white space. I edited photography to use throughout my designs in order to add my own personal twist and make the final layouts aesthetically pleasing. This brief improved my skills in all area throughout graphic design, including programme and thinking outside the box.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These mag spreads are fantastic, you can see that a lot of thought and consideration has been put into your designs with regards to layout/imagery/colour & type!
