Thursday 21 February 2013

Digital Applications - D&AD It's Nice That

This brief, set by It’s Nice That via D&AD. The brief required a new and exciting ways to stay engaged with their original audience. This could be produced through a poster campaign, a publication, an event, an app or something completely new and innovative. They wanted to spread their commitment to showcasing great work in an information overloaded university world. I wanted to create a poster campaign, which I could use to enter for the brief, as well as use to personally improve my own digital skills.

I created three somewhat similar posters for this brief, each depicting different sceneries. I chose this particular design, as I wanted to take the ‘world’ aspect of their brief and develop it. I like how stylized these designs turned out and feel they appeal to the very wide target audience, which included students, teachers/lecturers, as well as those who don’t know what ‘It’s Nice That’ is. I feel the vector art is quite a broad style and the bright colours throughout help to make the posters stand out. What I would like to further develop is the message its self as this was simply a quote running across the top of each poster. I feel these could be adapted to really promote the message of the company more, however, the fact the posters aren’t too obvious also draw in the attention, and interest, making the audience enquire further.  Throughout this project I improved my skills within Adobe Illustrator, which I had previously lacked beforehand. In particular, I worked mainly with vectors and the appearance palette and felt considerably more comfortable with the programme after the project.

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